Transform Your Health in Just 3 Days with the Personalize My Health Challenge!
Tired of bouncing from one fad diet to another? Do you feel like your health journey has hit a roadblock? Are you DONE with feeling like just another number in the healthcare system? 

If your health has not been working for you, it's time to take a different, more personal approach that will FINALLY deliver the results you've been seeking. 

Your Health, Your Way:
Build Your Personalized Health Roadmap in Just 3 Days!
The Personalize My Health Challenge will teach you a holistic approach that puts YOU in control – no more cookie-cutter, ineffective western medicine techniques! For three days, join top coaches who will guide you to personalized strategies for nutrition, oxygen stress & sleep, and bio-individuality.
Here’s What We'll Cover…
 Day 1: Knowing Who You Are
Day one is all about nutrition and fitness - topics that are often covered in a way that's too general to be helpful. But with our approach, you'll learn how to personalize your diet and exercise so that they work for your unique body and goals. Get guidance from a holistic health coach who can give you personalized advice on how to best fuel and move your body.

 Day 2: Preparing To Be Healthy
Did you know that oxidative stress is one of the leading causes of chronic illness? On day two, our holistic health coaches will show you how to reduce oxidative stress, optimize your sleep patterns, and improve your overall mental and physical health. You'll be guided through techniques, relaxation exercises, and the importance of good sleep habits. You'll also discover how to identify the root causes of stress, and how to reduce stress and tension in your daily life.

Day 3: Personalizing Your Health
Everyone is unique, and our health should be treated as such. On the final day of the challenge,you will learn about the core principle of personalized health coaching, bio individuality. We’ll reveal how to identify the unique characteristics of your body, such as your metabolism, hormones, and other health markers, to create a personalized approach to optimize your health.
Why take a Personal Approach to Health?
One size does not fit all when it comes to health, and that's where our challenge comes in. Over three days, we will be diving deep into different aspects of your health, and our holistic personal health coaches will guide you through each session, imparting their expert knowledge to help you personalize your health roadmap. 

You'll learn exactly how your body works individually so that no matter what state of health or wellness you're starting from – there will be an answer tailored fit specifically for YOU. Let us help empower you on this journey towards living a healthier life with more energy than ever before.

Included with the Personalize My Health Challenge is 3 days access to holistic personal health coaches valued at over $2000, for just $97! That's right - you'll be receiving invaluable guidance and support throughout the challenge.
Stop playing the guessing game with your health. 
Get on the waitlist for the next challenge 
Your Health Deserves Better! 
Don't settle for one-size-fits-all solutions - let us help you personalize your health and feel your best.

Our Coaches
We combine the expertise of medical professionals, certified holistic nutritionists, and health professionals, with the personal experience of clients who have been through the program. This makes for a truly comprehensive system that can help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Michael E. Parker


Michael E. Parker specializes in motivating and inspiring people to strive for excellence in life and in business. A dynamic and engaging speaker, Michael has spoken at over 1,000 events throughout the US, Canada, and the Pacific Rim.

Throughout his accomplished career which spans 25+ years, Michael has started several businesses and has invested in over 50.  Prior to becoming a successful entrepreneur and investor, he led global technology implementations, change management programs and business operations for multi-national, Fortune 100  companies. 
As an award-winning published author, he has also been featured as the keynote speaker at thousands of events across the globe and been a contributor on major networks such as Fox Business news and NBC. 

His visionary and empathetic style of speaking has motivated thousands of people to do better, and be better for which he received the prestigious Jefferson Award. 

Michael started PHD to share his vision of personalized health coaching and consulting for everyone, helping people reclaim their lives and thrive. Michael is passionate about inspiring people to achieve more than they thought was possible. He has dedicated his life to mentoring youth and adults in the community in all areas of life, including health. 

Maya Parker

Sr. Health Consultant

22 years experience in Health Education, Public Health and Functional Nutrition.
BS in Health Science
Certified in Functional Nutrition
Functional Nutritional Practitioner
My path to health and weight management has been a colorful journey! It all started as a young child, where I was raised by a mother with traditional southern roots and hospitality. She was raised in Rosebud, Texas; a small rural town in the southern part of the state with a population less than 1,200 residents. Anyone from the south knows that good food is a standard barrier in the home and you must know how to cook. As the old saying goes, “you are what you eat” and it was evident in my appearance. In my formative years, I gained a noticeable amount of weight due to my fast-food diet with highly processed packaged foods, which I thought was the normal way to eat. I attempted many yo-yo diets and experienced weight-cycling (up and down), I would lose weight and gain it back shortly after I ate something with substance. It wasn’t until I found a true long-term solution of health and studied Health Science in college that I saw a permanent way to make healthier changes. I also began to counsel young ladies in a public health program that I was involved in with Contra Costa County. I had an epiphany to begin designing tailor-made health programs that were not one-size-fit-all, which led me to have a passion of health education and awareness. Today, I can appreciate the struggles that many women face about their health. Personal Health Design is a prototype of the ultimate plan to overall health and weight management and I want to continue on the journey with you.

Velma Smith

Health Consultant

25+ experience in nutrition and dietetics. Specializing in child nutrition (0-12) and chronic disease prevention. 
BS in Nutrition, UC Berkeley

I started my education in nutrition because there were so many mixed messages about what healthy looked like, that I wanted to find out for myself through objective data instead of cultural norms or subjective opinion. As I approached graduation, I realized the hospital was NOT where I wanted to be. It was hard counseling people for 10 minutes after a major surgery or health crisis. So, I focused my attention on wellness. I wanted to reach people BEFORE they got sick. After several years working as a registered dietitian, I became disheartened. It didn’t feel like the industry I was in really wanted to keep people well, rather, help them lose weight as an indication of health. As a larger person, who felt healthy, that message didn’t resonate with me, and when I tried to live up to the lifestyle, I struggled. It was also clear to me that the healthcare industry couldn’t seem to land on clear guidelines for healthful living. After experiencing a health crisis of my own, I realized the healthcare industry focused on treatment of symptoms instead of finding the root cause of my problems. I turned to natural health as a last resort and realized that it was the answer for me and made me wonder if it was the true answer after all. Turns out, it is. 

Gena Buffin

Health Consultant

14 years experience in Patient Advocacy, Nutrition Consulting, and Caregiving
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition 
Bachelor of Science
I started my education in nutrition because there were so many mixed messages about what healthy looked like, that I wanted to find out for myself through objective data instead of cultural norms or subjective opinion. As I approached graduation, I realized the hospital was NOT where I wanted to be. It was hard counseling people for 10 minutes after a major surgery or health crisis. So, I focused my attention on wellness. I wanted to reach people BEFORE they got sick. After several years working as a registered dietitian, I became disheartened. It didn’t feel like the industry I was in really wanted to keep people well, rather, help them lose weight as an indication of health. As a larger person, who felt healthy, that message didn’t resonate with me, and when I tried to live up to the lifestyle, I struggled. It was also clear to me that the healthcare industry couldn’t seem to land on clear guidelines for healthful living. After experiencing a health crisis of my own, I realized the healthcare industry focused on treatment of symptoms instead of finding the root cause of my problems. I turned to natural health as a last resort and realized that it was the answer for me and made me wonder if it was the true answer after all. Turns out, it is. 

LaShunda Wells

Health Consultant/Admin

13+ in Emergency Department with experience in Newborn, Elderly patient care and advocacy  
BS Nursing, Registered Nurse, Certification in Function Medicine (In Progress)

As a child, I knew I wanted to do something that helped people. I toggled back and forth with being a police officer, firefighter, OB-GYN. It was not until October of 1994 I knew exactly what I wanted to be. I connected with the field of nursing. I was involved in a very major car accident that should have taken the life of me and my entire family. Being transported to the hospital, the nurses were the ones my heart connected with. Seeing how attentive they were, how much they cared, and how involved they were with the patients, I knew that was the field for me. That day my journey began. Growing up in the inner city, we were never really taught the benefits of a balanced meal, let alone really how to create one. There was a scarcity of resources where I was from. A lot of cheap sugary carb loaded options was what I was used to. After eventually getting into nursing school, I had to admit my knowledge base of what’s healthy had just begun. As a 20 something college student, I was introduced for the first time in my life to what was considered healthy. Even with that knowledge, it has taken me years to begin to make lifestyle changes. Seeing my mothers health decline, seeing my health and body yo-yo from what I put into it. Me developing back problems, digestive problems I just said enough, is enough. I have to change! It was not only essential for myself, but for all those that were around me. Those that looked up to me as a clinician. Now being a part of PHD, after 15 years in nursing, I am learning about lifestyle change. Getting to the root cause of most diseases or even habits. Why someone may have certain diseases? Why does an individual respond the way they do? It was a way to look at the whole person!! Socially and medically. It has not always been easy, but when I realize who I’m doing it for, and why, it makes it that more rewarding
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